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Al integration in Design Thinking Hackathon

AI 디자인 씽킹 해커톤,  2023



My Role: Principal Investigator 총괄 책임자

Thinking + Innovating + Making 

solving real-world problems, pursuing design projects across different disciplines, and collaboration. Participating students will work with industry experts to better understand customer needs and business opportunities. Our goal is to bring a culture of innovation to our classroom and educational systems.


Phase 1.0 Vertical Expansion Design

Vertical expansion refers to a strategic approach where a company extends its influence both upstream (towards suppliers) and downstream (towards customers) to enhance its control over production, distribution, and sales processes.

Phase 2.0 Horizontal Expansion Design

Horizontal expansion involves a company's growth through the acquisition or merger of other businesses within the same industry and at the same value chain stage. This often entails incorporating new technologies and introducing new product lines.

Phase 3.0 Diagnal Expansion Design

Diagonal expansion encompasses diversifying a company's operations into unrelated or novel business areas to minimize risk and capitalize on growth opportunities across various sectors.

Phase 4.0 Cross Industry Innovation

Unlike vertical and horizontal expansion, diagonal expansion entails venturing into distinct industries or markets.

Learning Design AI Tools


Design Thinking Hackathon


Discovering and reaching beyond our knowledge

  • Coming up with ideas beyond our knowledges

  • Expanding our knowledge to reach the goal

  • Combining our knowledges and efforts to expand our abilities to reach beyond our capabilities



Research and Development

Results of pre-post survey on Design Thinking Mindset (N=24)

A paired-sample t-test was conducted to compare Design Thinking Mindset before and after the intervention. As a result, all sub-factors showed statistically significant improvement. Therefore, it can be interpreted that participants' Design Thinking Mindset improved significantly through the Design Thinking education provided.

After completing the education, a satisfaction survey was conducted using a 5-point Likert scale for all items. As a result, the utility of Design Thinking education averaged 4.04, overall satisfaction averaged 4.00, and willingness to apply the learning in future work averaged 4.21, indicating high satisfaction.


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